하루종일 halujong-il “One Day” 1st Album Superior Speed 2013.01.15 Yoosung/Jungwoo, Taewoon, Yoowhan Taeha, Jong Kook, Sejoon, Sungmin Note: I’m not completely familiar with the new…
The摩天楼ショー The Matenrou Show “The Skyscraper Show” One, Two, Three/The Matenrou Show 2012.07.04 Michishige Sayumi, Tanaka Reina, Fukumura Mizuki, Ikuta…
하나 hana“One”Hello2010.09.30 Lyrics/작사: Park Sung Soo (S2 Revolution!!), 민호, JQComposer/작곡: Park Sung Soo (S2 Revolution!!)Arranger/편곡: Park Sung Soo (S2 Revolution!!)…