imasara kaerenaiyo anobashoha
donna sutekina omoidemo
kokoroni shimatteokubeki nanosa
imademo omoidasuyo sorede iinda
shinpainaiyo mada utaeruyo
itsuka kaeruyo bokudakeno HOMEkyuuna toori ame tsunoru iradachi kokoroni hakidame
arekara ikutsuno kisetsuw koe
demo mada kikoetekuru kokyou no koe
kakkou tsukete tobidashita
wakare oshimu hitotachi uragitta kekka ni natta
konna boroborono yume
hitorija doushiyoumo nakatta sonna tokini deatta hitobito
kitto hitoha sonnani tsuyokunai dakara
shittoya egoni nomareteshimaisouni naruyo
demo sonna bokuwo yasashiku dakishimeta
kanashikute naita
jibunno yowasaga sonotoki wakatta
demo yume kanatta sukoshi sonna kini natta soshite bokuha HOME ga dekita
marude MAIHOOMU mitaina dekai sasaega
meikaini mieta sekai kawatta
ikiwo surunoga rakuni natta
ichibyou ichibyou seichou shiteku minna
dakara deaete yokatta
kounarete yokatta
dakara bokuha nanimo kamowo hanashita kokoro yasurageru basho
darenidemo hitotsuha aru hazu dayo
bokuha onaji hibi ikita nakamatachiya
tonarini itekureta koibitoya
sorewo ushinatte demo kanaetai yume
soremo ushinatte, demo mata omoidasasetekureta
atarashii bokuno HOME ga kokoni aru
demo mada omoidasu imasara kaerenaiyo anobashoha
donna sutekina omoidemo
kokoroni shimatteokubeki nanosa
imademo omoidasuyo sorede iinda
shinpainaiyo mada utaeruyo
itsuka kaeruyo bokudakeno HOME nakanaka netsukezu
onaji yume kurikaeshi miteru boku
anokoro jibunwo ukeiretekureta basho
subete sorega saisho
harau daishouno daishouni kakawarazu
aijouniha motto binkande itaina
itaiya tte omowasetakunai kara
RITAIYA nante sasetakunai kara sou yatte mitsuketa ikiteku sube
henkenni mamireta joushiki kuzure
tsukitsukeba kowaresouna hodo morokute
demo nazeka egaoga taenakute
sonna fuuni omoetano kitto
hajimetede demo mijime kedo kireide
nanimo nai soraga kagayaite matataite
sono toki bokuraha mata naite imasara kaerenaiyo anobashoha
donna sutekina omoidemo
kokoroni shimatteokubeki nanosa
imademo omoidasuyo sorede iinda
shinpainaiyo mada utaeruyo
itsuka kaeruyo bokudakeno HOME koremadewo furikaereba
ukabu egaoya namida
konnani furueru hodo utsushidasu
sorega boku jishinno miraihe tsunagaruto
shinjiteiru bokudakeno HOME
shinjiteiru kara imasara kaerenaiyo anobashoha
donna sutekina omoidemo
kokoroni shimatteokubeki nanosa
imademo omoidasuyo sorede iinda
shinpainaiyo mada utaeruyo
itsuka kaeruyo bokudakeno HOME | 今更 帰れないよ あの場所は
心に しまっておくべきなのさ
今でも思い出すよ それでいいんだ
心配ないよ まだ歌えるよ
いつか帰るよ 僕だけの HOME急な通り雨 募る苛立ち心に掃き溜め
1人じゃどうしようもなかった そんな時に出会った人々
きっと人はそんなに強くない だから
でも そんな僕を優しく抱きしめた
でも夢叶った 少しそんな気になった そして僕はHOMEができた
明快に見えた 世界変わった
だから僕は何もかもを話した 心安らげる場所
それを失ってでも かなえたい夢
それも失って、でも また思い出させてくれた
でもまだ思い出す 今更 帰れないよ あの場所は
心に しまっておくべきなのさ
今でも思い出すよ それでいいんだ
心配ないよ まだ歌えるよ
いつか帰るよ 僕だけの HOME なかなか寝付けず
リタイヤなんてさせたくないから そうやって見つけた生きてく術
初めてで でも惨め けど綺麗で
その瞬間(とき)僕らはまた泣いて 今更 帰れないよ あの場所は
心に しまっておくべきなのさ
今でも思い出すよ それでいいんだ
心配ないよ まだ歌えるよ
いつか帰るよ 僕だけの HOME これまでを振り返れば
信じている 僕だけのHOME
信じているから 今更 帰れないよ あの場所は
心に しまっておくべきなのさ
今でも思い出すよ それでいいんだ
心配ないよ まだ歌えるよ
いつか帰るよ 僕だけの HOME | After all this time, I can’t go back to that place…
Whatever wonderful memories I have,
I should keep them in my heart.
I still remember to this day. That’s good enough.
Don’t worry. I can still sing.
Someday I’ll go back. The home all my own.Sudden rain, ever-growing impatient irritation poured into my mind
Since then, many seasons have passed
But I could still hear the voice of my hometown
I left like I was too cool for it,
ended up letting down those who wished me farewell.
Such a tattered dream,
alone there was nothing I could do. At that time, the people I met…
Surely, people aren’t that strong That’s why
they become swallowed up by jealousy and pride
But, that version of me was gently held close.
Sorrowfully I cried.
Right then, I understood my own weakness.
But my dream came true. I got a little worried about that. So I built a home,
Kind of like a mansion. With such massive support,
I could see everything clearly. My whole world changed.
Breathing got a lot easier.
Second by second, we’re growing up, all of us.
That’s why I’m glad we met,
glad it happened this way.
And so, I’ve said just about everything there is to say. A place where your mind can be at peace.
Everyone probably has one of these.
The people I grew up with,
The lovers I had by my side,
I’ve lost them all but… my hopeful dream
I lost that too, but once again I was reminded.
I got a new home right here.
But I still remember… After all this time, I can’t go back to that place…
Whatever wonderful memories I have,
I should keep them in my heart.
I still remember to this day. That’s good enough.
Don’t worry. I can still sing.
Someday I’ll go back. The home all my own. Not getting much sleep,
the same dream spun around in my head.
The place where I was accepted,
that was the beginning of everything.
With no regard to the size of the cost
I need to be more responsive to love.
because I don’t want to be think it hurts.
because I don’t want to be dropped out. Oh yeah, I found a new way to live
Fallen common sense spoiled with prejudice
so fragile it falls apart at the slightest confrontation
but somehow always smiling.
That way of thinking was surely
the first time. It was miserable yet beautiful but
the sparkle and shine of the clear sky
At that moment, once more, we started to cry. After all this time, I can’t go back to that place…
Whatever wonderful memories I have,
I should keep them in my heart.
I still remember to this day. That’s good enough.
Don’t worry. I can still sing.
Someday I’ll go back. The home all my own. When I look back on everything up to this point
floating smiles and tears
it’s enough to make me shudder.
That’s all tied up to my own future,
I believe. Home all my own
because I believe in it. After all this time, I can’t go back to that place…
Whatever wonderful memories I have,
I should keep them in my heart.
I still remember to this day. That’s good enough.
Don’t worry. I can still sing.
Someday I’ll go back. The home all my own. |