
Mission and Vision

Quality over Quantity

At CCL, we strive to provide high quality content. While our team does their best to post songs as quickly as possible, we like to take our time to ensure the accuracy of our codings. We do not want to publish something rushed that will inevitably have to be edited 100 times over. CCL’s priority has always been accuracy, and we thank you greatly for your patience and trust in our team.

Color coding takes a lot of hard work and dedication, so please do not monetize our color codings and/or translations on YouTube or other platforms, unless otherwise stated.


While CCL does have a designated translation team for both Korean and Japanese, translations are not our priority, and we do not hold credit for a majority of the translations you see on our website. All translations not done by our team are either official translations on behalf of the artist’s company (either from their official album booklets or music videos), or are sourced from other translators on the internet. For more information on song post credits, please refer to the bottom of the post, and credit the correct sources.

You may submit translations here, and we will review them. Please keep in mind that not all submissions get added. Auto-translations (such as Google Translate or Papago) are not allowed, and translations from multiple sources (such as Genius, or an open-edit website) are not allowed due to conflict in credit. Please also refrain from abusing or spamming the form.

Color Coding and Posts

1. Why do you not put adlibs in the lyrics?
An adlib is an improvisation in a song, script, or otherwise something sung or said that is not written down. They are not part of the lyrics. Adlibs are often requested for the sake of line distribution sorting or to engage in fanwars, which we do not specialize in, nor want to encourage.

The only time adlibs will be added to a post is if a group member’s parts are only adlibs OR if they are actually words, and will still only be seldom added as long as they do not mess up the format in which the lyrics on here are set up. Oftentimes, adlibs are difficult to make out and if there are too many, they can cause the lyrics and page to look messy. Editors and authors are not obligated to put adlibs, so please do not demand adlibs. It is ultimately up to the authors’ discretion to add adlibs.

2. Why did you not add [member] singing background vocals?
If it is not in the lyrics, they will not be added unless need be. In most cases, background lyrics are just the original chorus being sung by the members, so there is no need to color code the same “invisible” lines numerous times. Even if they are different, it is usually difficult to try and make out what is being said.

There are also occurrences where the original background vocals from the demo version of the song remain in the final version, so the background vocals you hear may not even be the member in question! As there is no way to confirm, it is best to leave them out as we do not want to publish inaccurate information.

3. I posted a correction to a song that you incorrectly color coded, so why did you not change it?
We carefully review and assess all corrections. Less obvious and/or more detailed ones require proof before the editors decide to change the coding of any song. If there is a mistake, it will be promptly taken care of. If a correction was not made after you posted it, it is because you either did not give us the necessary proof for accuracy, or the editor looked into it themselves and came to the conclusion that you were incorrect.

4. In the live performance of [song name], [member] sings [this line], but the post says [another member] sings it. Why is it different?
All codings are done according to the original audio (studio version) of songs. Codings will not be based on the live stages unless the live version is exactly like the song. In these cases, authors may put a note at the bottom of the post, or create a separate post indicating the live version coding (if it is significantly different from the studio version).

5. How do I write corrections?
There is really no way to “write” them, but please do not recode the entire song in the comments section. If you are going to send in corrections, just tell us the part you want to fix.

6. How do you choose colors?
Randomly. Unless the group at the time of debut has official colors, then we try to follow those colors. Group members whose official colors are black, gray or white will be changed to something else. We may occasionally start with one color scheme and later on change as a group’s official colors are revealed.
We understand the frustration of losing familiarity with the original CCL colors, but we often are harassed to change to official colors through our e-mail. To make things easier, and to keep things convenient for newer fans, we will always adjust to proper colors if they are given.

7. In some groups, two of the members have very similar colors, which makes it hard to tell them apart.
For older groups, it is harder to change their colors as they may have a lot of songs posted. Otherwise, please feel free to let us know for groups with fewer songs. Please also ensure that the colors and their similarity do not fluctuate between different screens or devices, like your laptop or your phone.

8. Some indices are not updated despite having recent albums posted.
Please do remind us if we forget. Readers are encouraged to bump the comments on the indices or send a feedback form (if you do not have a WordPress account or want to remain anonymous) if there are any albums missing.

9. Old posts sometimes have broken links.
Once again, please send a feedback form or comment under posts that do, and we will try to update accordingly. There are simply just too many old posts for us to go through to check which have broken links or not.


1. I made a request ages ago but you never did it.
For this, we deeply apologize. We get so many requests per day, and the editors need to delete ones that were already completed in order to properly organize what we are doing. Sometimes we get multiples of the same song from more than ten different people, especially if the song just came out and/or the artist is popular. If your request is not done after 30 days of submission, you may request it again. But please do not spam the request form.

Also, there are groups that we are not familiar with, so it would take a while to learn voices. Sometimes we never do learn them and decide not to code songs from groups that we have no knowledge of. Additionally, new groups that just debuted are hard to code, because they have not performed enough songs live for us to learn their voices. Please refrain from harassing us to get posts by new groups done by the first day of release. We care about quality of content, not quantity.

2. Can you color code indie artists?
You can request anything you want as long as it is from Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Thailand, or China. We have several indie and Korean non-Kpop artists on the website already since we are trying to expand the material on here past K-Pop and idol music.

3. Do you post songs that an artist covered from someone else?
If it is not an officially released cover (e.g. only a live performance or a special stage), then it will not be posted.

4. Will you post English songs as well?
If they are from an East Asian artist, then yes. However, we do color code songs from non-Asian English-speaking artists once in a while.

5. How come you did not complete my request at all?
If it is not for any of the previously stated reasons, then it is because we do not know the group at all and cannot distinguish their voices (especially if there are more than three people or so). Without a guide, we cannot complete it.


1. [Artist name] released their new Japanese song and PV so why have you not posted it?
Japanese songs are usually promoted [typically a few weeks] before and after their release date whereas Korean and Chinese songs are promoted after their release. Due to this reason, it is extremely difficult to find accurate lyrics for the song you’re looking for. If a K-Pop artist just came out with a Japanese song, please keep in mind that the song’s album will not officially come out until a few weeks to a month later. That is when the official lyrics come out and when you will see it on CCL.

2. How come you only post title tracks but not the B-side tracks from the same artist(s)? “Big” groups get their albums posted much quicker than “smaller” or “nugu” groups.
Please remember that the editors and authors of CCL are K-Pop fans as well, and we try to keep up with all of the artists we like as much as you do. We are always updating ourselves on new groups/artists that are not so popular and doing our best to familiarize ourselves with them. If there is a music video to a song by a group we do not know well, the only guide we have is the music video and possibly the fans to guide us if we make mistakes. If you want us to do a song by that same group and we are not familiar with them, it might be a while before you ever see it on here.

CCL has never been, and will never be, a popularity contest. Authors prioritize artists that they know and are familiar with, this can range from groups you have never heard of to the top charting artists of the month. Authors do not care about the popularity or size of the groups on our website. Most of our authors are based over 10 hours away from Korea, meaning our posts occur in the middle of the night. Please allow us time to rest and get songs posted.

Technical Issues

1. I submitted a comment on a post, but I do not see it. Should I submit it again?
You only need to submit your comments once. Sometimes the server will mark a comment as “spam” or “waiting for approval,” and it will not be displayed for public viewing. If you cannot see your comment, do not worry. We will see it, review it, and mark it as “not spam” or approve it.

2. Why does the site keep giving me errors?
More than likely, it is not your internet. Sometimes the server will have issues that only the administrator can find out about. It can be as frustrating for us as it might be for you. Just keep checking back and refreshing the page.

3. Who should I contact in case there is a technical issue?
At this time, there is no need to contact us for that purpose. All technical problems are promptly reported to the administrator.

4. How do I get rid of the black background when I copy and paste lyrics from your site?
This actually has nothing to do with the website. It has to do with your word processor and how well it can filter text without extra formatting. We would suggest that you paste the lyrics somewhere where you will not see lots of formatting (background colors, line spacing, etc.). A good example would be to use a program such as WordPad (Windows) or TextEdit (Macintosh).

5. Why am I unable to comment when I could leave comments before?
If you spam or abuse the comment section multiple times, your IP address will be blocked by the administrator. You may be able to still visit the website but you will not be allowed to comment.

6. What will cause my IP address to get banned?

  • Abusing the comments section
  • Causing arguments with the editors and other users
  • Acting childish and immature
  • Commenting irrelevant things (e.g. talking about biases when they have absolutely nothing to do with CCL posts)
  • Trying to force the editors to go against policy
  • Consistently attacking other users, and any other types of abusive behavior

We have very little tolerance for things like these, and if you become a problem, you will be permanently banned without notification.

If you have any questions that are left unanswered, please do not hesitate to contact us by email at contact@colorcodedlyrics.com.

Team applications have opened! Please submit by July 31st if you would like to be considered for the team. Thank you!