My target My target target
My target My target target Stop! hitogomi o aruku Downtown
kare no koto dake wa sugusama Check it!
Step! chikaduku tabi tokimeki Spark
I know It was love at first sight Ah You’re my target
Ah You’re my only one aishi te hoshii
shatei kyori made sotto Ah
sasayaku kotoba Hush-Hush Hush-Hush Devil’s tale hora kakushi te
anata no koto te ni ireru wa
ko akuma no koi wa daitan futeki
obore te mi masho?
Devil’s tale chiratsukase te
honki mōdo sasoikomu no
surudoi hitomi hirari shinobi
I want yokubari ni nerau mono My target My target target Don’t! kantan ni fure nai de Heart
wagamama na kurai ga shigeki teki Take it!
Stay! wazato miokuru Last train
You know? I aim at your ace of hearts Ah You’re my target
Ah You’re my only one nigasa nai wa
kokoro no sukima sotto Ah
sasayaku kotoba Hush-Hush Hush-Hush Devil’s tale hime ta mama ja
tsukame sou de mada tooku te
ko akuma no koi wa go kigen naname
dounika shi te yo?
Devil’s tale chiratsukase te
oshite hii te madowaseru wa
yudan deki nai ayaui kankei
ai wa yokubari ni nerau mono inui ta Heart kudake te Hurt
kokoro no oku made shibireru shunkan
takamaru Beat tai chuu Heat
mou toriko ni naru I’m sweet Devil iki o hisometeru
watashi no shisen kanjiteru?
Boy freeze! (Boy freeze!)
Just freeze! (Just freeze!)
Freeze~ Devil’s tale hora kakushi te
anata no koto te ni ireru wa
ko akuma no koi wa daitan futeki
obore te mi masho?
Devil’s tale chiratsukase te (Lalala)
honki mōdo sasoikomu no (Lalala)
surudoi hitomi hirari shinobi
I want yokubari ni nerau mono My target My target target
My target My target My target target | My target My target target
My target My target target Stop! 人ごみを歩く Downtown
彼のことだけは すぐさま Check it!
Step! 近づく度 ときめきSpark
I know It was love at first sight Ah You’re my target
Ah You’re my only one 愛してほしい
射程距離まで そっと Ah
ささやく言葉 Hush-Hush Hush-Hush Devil’s tale ほら 隠して
あなたのコト 手に入れるわ
小悪魔の恋は 大胆不敵
Devil’s tale ちらつかせて
本気モード 誘い込むの
鋭い瞳 ひらり忍び
I want 欲張りに狙うもの My target My target target Don’t! 簡単に触れないで Heart
わがままなくらいが刺激的 Take it!
Stay! わざと見送る Last train
You know? I aim at your ace of hearts Ah You’re my target
Ah You’re my only one 逃がさないわ
心の隙間 そっと Ah
ささやく言葉 Hush-Hush Hush-Hush Devil’s tale 秘めたままじゃ
つかめそうで まだ遠くて
小悪魔の恋は ご機嫌ななめ
Devil’s tale ちらつかせて
押して引いて 惑わせるわ
油断出来ない 危うい関係
愛は 欲張りに狙うもの 射抜いたHeart 砕けてHurt
心の奥まで しびれる瞬間
高まるBeat 体中Heat
もう虜になる I’m sweet Devil 息をひそめてる
Boy freeze! (Boy freeze!)
Just freeze! (Just freeze!)
Freeze~ Devil’s tale ほら 隠して
あなたのコト 手に入れるわ
小悪魔の恋は 大胆不敵
Devil’s tale ちらつかせて (Lalala)
本気モード 誘い込むの (Lalala)
鋭い瞳 ひらり忍び
I want 欲張りに狙うもの My target My target target
My target My target My target target | My Target My Target Target
My Target My Target Target Stop when walking at the crowd downtown
Only him I immediately check it!
Step! Every time I approach you, my heart throbs & I Spark
At night was love at first sight Ah you’re my target
Ah You’re my only one I only want you to love me
I go gently to my specific distance Ah
That you whisper hush hush hush hush Devil’s tale He’s going to
tell all your hiding about you
These devils love are bold and
too invincible, I’ll get you drown~
Devil’s tale I lure you
more and get more seriousness
With my light sharp eyes,
I’ll aim for your love so greedily~ oh My target My target target Don’t! Do not touch Heart easily
Stimulating much selfish Take it!
Stay! I see off Last train on purpose
You know? I aim at your ace of hearts Ah~ You’re my target
Ah You’re my only one I do not miss
Touch gap of my heart gently (Ah~)
Word your whisper Hush Hush Hush Hush! Devil’s tale It’s still hidden
Seize the far still the case
Love of goblins rotten mood,
I somehow?
Devil’s tale To let dangle
I’ll confuse Pulling & Pressing
Dangerous relationship that can not be careless,
Love what you aim to be greedy I aim to your head so hard and shot through your head so hard
All of it, I’ll put it in your heart when you fell asleep
The beats are getting louder, your body going Heat
You’re gonna become my captive I’m sweet Devil You conceal it with warm breath~
I feel your gaze~
Boy freeze! (Boy freeze!)
Just freeze! (Just freeze!)
Freeze~ Devil’s tale He’s going to
tell all your hiding about you
These devils love are bold and
too invincible, I’ll get you drown~
Devil’s tale I lure you (Lalala)
more and get more seriousness (Lalala)
With my light sharp eyes,
I’ll aim for your love so greedily My Target My Target Target
My Target My Target My Target Target |
thank you so much!
Qri Hwaiting!!
ahh such a good song
why does ahreum have to leave?
*pouting so badly*
this is one of their best ever songs!!!!!
[Qri] My Target, My Target Target
My Target, My Target Target
[Hyomin] Stop! hitogomi o aruku Downtown
kare no koto dake wa sugusama Check it!
[Areum] Step! chikazuku tabi tokimeki Spark
I know it was love at first sight
[Jiyeon] Ah~ You’re my target
Ah~ You’re my only one aishite hoshii
[Soyeon] Shitei kyori made sotto (Ah~)
sasayaku koto wa Hush Hush Hush Hush !
[Eunjung] Devil’s tale hora kakushite anata no koto te ni ireru wa
Koakuma no koi wa daitan muteki oborete mimashou
[Soyeon] Devil’s tale ki o tsukasete honki motto sasoikomu no
surudoi hitomi hirari shinobi I want yokubari ni nerau mono
[Qri]My Target, My Target Target
[Boram] Don’t! kantan ni fure na i de heart
wagamama na cry ga shigeki teki Take it!
[Eunjung] Stay! wazato miokuru Last train
You know? I aim at your ace of hearts
[Qri] Ah~ You’re my target
Ah~ You’re my only one nigasa nai wa
[Soyeon] Kokorono sukima zutto (Ah~)
Sesayaku kotoba Hush Hush Hush Hush !
[Hyomin] Devil’s tale ima ta mama jon? tsukare so de mada tooku te
koakuma no koi wa fukigen na no ne doonika shite yo
[Jiyeon] Devil’s tale chiratsukase te ojitte ii te madowaseru wa
yudan deki nai aya oi kankei ai wa yokubari ni nerau mono
[Areum] inuita Heart kudake ta Hurt
kokoro no oku made shibireru shunkan
takamaru Beat shintai chū Heat
mō toriko ni naru I’m sweet devil
[Boram] iki o hisometeru
watashi no shisen kanjiteru
Boy freeze! Just freeze!
[Eunjung] Devil’s tale hora kakushi te anata no koto te ni ireru wa
koakuma no koi wa daitan muteki oborete mimashou
[Soyeon] Devil’s tale ([Eunjung]lalala) ki o tsukasete honki motto ([Eunjung]lalala) sasoikomu no
surudoi hitomi hirari shinobi ai wa yokubari ni nerau mono
[Qri] My Target, My Target Target
My Target, My Target, My Target Target
You’re right
No, it’s Devil speaks
No it is not
Did you know that when you buy a T-ara album, like most other artists, they include the lyrics in the booklet of pictures?
I’m staring at the lyrics and it clearly says Devil’s TALE
Yeah it is Devil’s Tale, this post wan’t updated with the official lyrics (which had Devil Speak) and I fied txhem.
inui ta Hard kudake ta Hard
kokoro no oku made shibireru shunkan
takamaru Beat shintai chū Heat
mō toriko ni naru
I’m so with devil
I think it is
inui ta Heart kudake ta Heart
kokoro no oku made shibireru shunkan
takamaru Beat karada ju- Heat
mō toriko ni naru
I’m sweet devil
tai chuu is karada chuu