LUCY (루시)
Yechan, Sangyeob, Wonsang, Gwangil

LUCY (Hangul: 루시; Romanization: rushi) is a 4-member boy band from Mystic Story Entertainment.
Their name comes from the name of a dog that lived near the group when they were formed – their fandom name, Walwal (왈왈), echoes this, as walwal/왈왈 is the Korean onomatopoeia for dogs barking. The name “Lucy” also comes from the Latin for “light” (lux).
The majority of their music is written, composed, and produced by member Wonsang. They were originally formed on the survival show JTBC Superband.
They debuted on 8 May 2020.
Previous Affiliation(s): JTBC Superband
Yechan (예찬)
Birth Name: Shin Yechan (신예찬)
Position: Leader, Violinist, Visual
Birthday: 13 June 1992
Nationality: 🇰🇷
Emoji: 🐸
Sangyeop (상엽)
Birth Name: Choi Sangyeop (최상엽)
Position: Main Vocalist, Guitarist
Birthday: 27 February 1994
Nationality: 🇰🇷
Emoji: 🐿️
Wonsang (원상)
Birth Name: Cho Wonsang (조원상)
Position: Bassist, Producer, Vocalist
Birthday: 15 August 1996
Nationality: 🇰🇷
Emoji: 🐹
Gwangil (광일)
Birth Name: Shin Gwangil (신광일)
Position: Drummer, Lead Vocalist, Maknae
Birthday: 25 May 1997
Nationality: 🇰🇷
Emoji: 🐶
Korean Releases
Korean Studio Albums

[#1] Childhood
Release Date: 2022.08.17
01. Knowhow
02. MP3
03. 놀이 (Play)
04. 10sec
05. 넌 혹시, 난 괜히 (You & Me)
06. Domino (Feat. 디핵 (D-Hack))
07. 파울 (Foul)
08. 내 쓸쓸함은 차갑지 않아요 (My warm loneliness)
09. 이미 다 알고 있었지만 (Prequel)
10. 이 밤을 잊지 말아요 (Don’t forget our night)
11. 무색 (無色) (Colorless)
12. Opening
13. Ending
14. We will fly away (Feat. 송은혜)
15. 나는 너야 (You are my light)
Korean EPs

Release Date: 2020.08.13
01. 조깅 (Jogging)
02. 수박깨러가 (Watermelon)
03. Straight Line
04. Missing Call (Feat. Suran)
05. 충분히 (Enough)
06. Flare

[#2] BLUE
Release Date: 2021.12.07
01. 떼굴떼굴 (Rolling Rolling)
02. 맞네 (You’re right)
03. 해가뜨는밤 (Eclipse)
04. 꿈 (Dream)
05. 놓지 않을게 (Hug)
06. 결국 아무것도 알 수 없었지만 (Sequel)

Release Date: 2023.02.23
01. 아니 근데 진짜 (Seriously)
02. 바쁘거든 (Tied Up)
03. Never in vain
04. 채워 (Fill it up)

[#4] 열 (Fever)
Release Date: 2023.08.17
01. 뜨거 (Hot!)
02. 아지랑이 (Haze)
03. Magic
04. 내버려 (So What)
Korean Singles

[#3] Gatcha!
Release Date: 2021.06.16
01. I Got U
02. One by One
03. Buddy
04. 봄인지 여름인지 (Wonder)
Korean Singles

[#2] 동문서답 (Irrelevant Answer)
Release Date: 2021.08.20
01. 동문서답 (Irrelevant Answer)
02. 동문서답 (Irrelevant Answer) (Inst.)

[#3] 항상 엔진을 켜둘께 (Run Away)
Release Date: 2022.05.18
01. 항상 엔진을 켜둘께 (Run Away)
02. 항상 엔진을 켜둘께 (Run Away) (Inst.)

[#5] 21세기의 어떤 날 (Some Day in the 21st Century)
Release Date: 2022.10.04
01. 21세기의 어떤 날 (Some Day in the 21st Century)
02. 21세기의 어떤 날 (Some Day in the 21st Century) (Inst.)

[#1] 좀비탐정 (Zombie Detective) OST Pt. 2
Release Date: 2020.10.17
01. 서툴러서 (I don’t wanna heart you)
02. 서툴러서 (I don’t wanna heart you) (Inst.)

[#3] 꽃 피면 달 생각하고 (Moonshine) OST Part.4
Release Date: 2022.01.10
01. 날아올라 (Fly High)
02. 날아올라 (Fly High) (Inst.)

[#4] 너와 나의 경찰수업 (Rookie Cops) OST Part.2
Release Date: 2022.02.02
01. Police Class
02. Police Class (Inst.)

[#5] 로드 오브 히어로즈 (Lord of Heroes) OST Part 3
Release Date: 2022.04.21
01. Light UP
02. Light UP (Inst.)

[#6] 공짜 (Gongzza) OST Part. 1
Release Date: 2022.05.08
01. Feel so good
02. Feel so good (Inst.)

[#7] 나를 사랑하지 않는 X에게 (Dear X Who Doesn’t Love Me) OST Part 4
Release Date: 2022.07.25
01. 불꽃놀이 (Firework) [Sangyeop With Baek A]
02. 불꽃놀이 (Firework) (Inst.)

[#8] 개미가 타고 있어요 (Stock Struck) OST Part.2
Release Date: 2022.08.27
01. Ant, Go Run
02. Ant, Go Run (Inst.)

[#9] 가우스전자 (Gaus Electronics) OST Part 1
Release Date: 2022.10.01
01. 눈이 부신다 (DIAMOND)
02. 눈이 부신다 (DIAMOND) (iNST.)

[#10] 진검승부 (Bad Prosecutor) OST Part 2
Release Date: 2022.10.13
01. 작은별 (Little Star)
02. 작은별 (Little Star) (Inst.)

[#2] 데이브레이크 (Daybreak) X LUCY : Part.1
Release Date: 2022.03.31
01. 쉬운 답 (The Answer)
02. 쉬운 답 (The Answer) (Inst.)

[#3] 데이브레이크 (Daybreak) X LUCY : Part.2
Release Date: 2022.04.07
01. Oh-eh
02. Oh-eh (Inst.)